PICNIC 2023 Click on the following to view the Album https://youtu.be/Vm3DDVo55EE?feature=shared PICNIC 2022 Click on the following to view the Album https://tinyurl.com/bdzztvka *************************************************** Diwali Function October, 2019 Click on the following to view the Slide Show (Keep Speakers ON) Diwali 2019 ********************************************************************************** AGM - 2019 Click on the following to view the Album tinyurl.com/y6le6upj ******************************************************************** Christmas Celebrations December 12, 2018 Click on the following to view the Slide Show (Keep Speakers ON) X-MAS *********************************************************************************** Diwali Function October 31, 2018 Click on the following to view the Slide Show (Keep Speakers ON) Diwali & Click on the following link to view Photos & Videos of Events Pick the Album (Click on either Slideshow or individual pictures to view) https://seniorenrichmentcentre.shutterfly.com/pictures